6  LCEL Deepdive

By CodingCrashCourse

from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from dotenv import load_dotenv

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template("tell me a short joke about {topic}")
model = ChatOpenAI()
output_parser = StrOutputParser()

chain = prompt | model | output_parser

chain.invoke({"topic": "ice cream"})
'Why did the ice cream truck break down? Because it had too many "scoops" on board!'
print(prompt.invoke({"topic": "ice cream"}))
messages=[HumanMessage(content='tell me a short joke about ice cream')]
from langchain_core.messages.human import HumanMessage

messages = [HumanMessage(content='tell me a short joke about ice cream')]
AIMessage(content='Why did the ice cream go to therapy? Because it had too many sprinkles of anxiety!', response_metadata={'token_usage': {'completion_tokens': 19, 'prompt_tokens': 15, 'total_tokens': 34}, 'model_name': 'gpt-3.5-turbo', 'system_fingerprint': None, 'finish_reason': 'stop', 'logprobs': None}, id='run-7f790959-6dd6-4ffc-bd43-d4f0608dafe0-0')

6.0.1 What is this “|” in Python?

# Bitwise OR

x = 5   # Binary: 0101
y = 3   # Binary: 0011

result = x | y  # Bitwise OR
print(result)   # Output: 7 (Binary: 0111)
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class CRunnable(ABC):
    def __init__(self):
        self.next = None

    def process(self, data):
        This method must be implemented by subclasses to define
        data processing behavior.

    def invoke(self, data):
        if self.next is not None:
            return self.next.invoke(processed_data)
        return processed_data

    def __or__(self, other):
        return CRunnableSequence(self, other)

class CRunnableSequence(CRunnable):
    def __init__(self, first, second):
        self.first = first
        self.second = second

    def process(self, data):
        return data

    def invoke(self, data):
        first_result = self.first.invoke(data)
        return self.second.invoke(first_result)
class AddTen(CRunnable):
    def process(self, data):
        print("AddTen: ", data)
        return data + 10

class MultiplyByTwo(CRunnable):
    def process(self, data):
        print("Multiply by 2: ", data)
        return data * 2

class ConvertToString(CRunnable):
    def process(self, data):
        print("Convert to string: ", data)
        return f"Result: {data}"
a = AddTen()
b = MultiplyByTwo()
c = ConvertToString()

chain = a | b | c
result = chain.invoke(10)
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[20], line 1
----> 1 result = chain.invoke(10)
      2 print(result)

Cell In[17], line 34, in CRunnableSequence.invoke(self, data)
     33 def invoke(self, data):
---> 34     first_result = self.first.invoke(data)
     35     return self.second.invoke(first_result)

Cell In[17], line 34, in CRunnableSequence.invoke(self, data)
     33 def invoke(self, data):
---> 34     first_result = self.first.invoke(data)
     35     return self.second.invoke(first_result)

Cell In[17], line 19, in CRunnable.invoke(self, data)
     17 if self.next is not None:
     18     return self.next.invoke(processed_data)
---> 19 return processed_data

NameError: name 'processed_data' is not defined

6.0.2 Runnables from LangChain

from langchain_core.runnables import RunnablePassthrough, RunnableLambda, RunnableParallel
chain = RunnablePassthrough() | RunnablePassthrough () | RunnablePassthrough ()
def input_to_upper(input: str):
    output = input.upper()
    return output
chain = RunnablePassthrough() | RunnableLambda(input_to_upper) | RunnablePassthrough()
chain = RunnableParallel({"x": RunnablePassthrough(), "y": RunnablePassthrough()})
{'x': 'hello', 'y': 'hello'}
chain.invoke({"input": "hello", "input2": "goodbye"})
{'x': {'input': 'hello', 'input2': 'goodbye'},
 'y': {'input': 'hello', 'input2': 'goodbye'}}
chain = RunnableParallel({"x": RunnablePassthrough(), "y": lambda z: z["input2"]})
chain.invoke({"input": "hello", "input2": "goodbye"})
{'x': {'input': 'hello', 'input2': 'goodbye'}, 'y': 'goodbye'}

6.0.3 Nested chains - now it gets more complicated!

def find_keys_to_uppercase(input: dict):
    output = input.get("input", "not found").upper()
    return output
chain = RunnableParallel({"x": RunnablePassthrough() | RunnableLambda(find_keys_to_uppercase), "y": lambda z: z["input2"]})
chain.invoke({"input": "hello", "input2": "goodbye"})
{'x': 'HELLO', 'y': 'goodbye'}
chain = RunnableParallel({"x": RunnablePassthrough()})

def assign_func(input):
    return 100

def multiply(input):
    return input * 10
chain.invoke({"input": "hello", "input2": "goodbye"})
{'x': {'input': 'hello', 'input2': 'goodbye'}}
chain = RunnableParallel({"x": RunnablePassthrough()}).assign(extra=RunnableLambda(assign_func))
result = chain.invoke({"input": "hello", "input2": "goodbye"})
{'x': {'input': 'hello', 'input2': 'goodbye'}, 'extra': 100}

6.0.4 Combine multiple chains (incl. coercion)

def extractor(input: dict):
    return input.get("extra", "Key not found")

def cupper(upper: str):
    return str(upper).upper()

new_chain = RunnableLambda(extractor) | RunnableLambda(cupper)
new_chain.invoke({"extra": "test"})
final_chain = chain | new_chain
final_chain.invoke({"input": "hello", "input2": "goodbye"})

6.0.5 Real Work example

from langchain_community.vectorstores import FAISS
from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.runnables import RunnablePassthrough
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI, OpenAIEmbeddings

vectorstore = FAISS.from_texts(
    ["Cats love thuna"], embedding=OpenAIEmbeddings()
retriever = vectorstore.as_retriever()
template = """Answer the question based only on the following context:

Question: {question}
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(template=template)

def format_docs(docs):
    return "\n\n".join(doc.page_content for doc in docs)

rag_chain = (
    RunnableParallel({"context": retriever | format_docs, "question": RunnablePassthrough()})
    | prompt
    | ChatOpenAI()
    | StrOutputParser()
[Document(page_content='Cats love thuna')]
rag_chain.invoke("What do cats like to eat?")